149 research outputs found

    Postrzeganie Szlaku Architektury Przemysłowej Łodzi przez mieszkańców miasta. Przykład partycypacji społecznej w badaniach nad turystyką

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    Łódź jako miasto postindustrialne posiada duży potencjał dla turystyki poprzemysłowej. Próbą jego wykorzystania było utworzenie Szlaku Architektury Przemysłowej Łodzi, łączącego obiekty związane z przemysłową przeszłością miasta. W opinii autorki, by szlak mógł pełnić funkcję atrakcji turystycznej pierwszymi osobami świadomymi jego wartości powinni być sami mieszkańcy. Przeprowadzone badania ankietowe potwierdziły niezwykle istotną rolę partycypacji społecznej w kreowaniu wizerunku miasta, stwarzającej podstawę do dalszych działań związanych z udoskonalaniem i promocją szlaku. Artykuł nie wyczerpuje tematu partycypacji społecznej w procesie rozwoju szlaku, ale może posłużyć jako wkład w dyskusję na temat roli mieszkańców w procesie kształtowania atrakcyjności turystycznej miasta. Partycypacja społeczna jest bowiem niezwykle istotnym elementem badań nad turystyką i stanowi wstęp do ich efektywnego wykorzystania w praktyce

    Persistently optimal policies in stochastic dynamic programming with generalized discounting

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    In this paper we study a Markov decision process with a non-linear discount function. Our approach is in spirit of the von Neumann-Morgenstern concept and is based on the notion of expectation. First, we define a utility on the space of trajectories of the process in the finite and infinite time horizon and then take their expected values. It turns out that the associated optimization problem leads to a non-stationary dynamic programming and an infinite system of Bellman equations, which result in obtaining persistently optimal policies. Our theory is enriched by examples.Stochastic dynamic programming, Persistently optimal policies, Variable discounting, Bellman equation, Resource extraction, Growth theory

    Markov Decision Processes with Risk-Sensitive Criteria: An Overview

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    The paper provides an overview of the theory and applications of risk-sensitive Markov decision processes. The term 'risk-sensitive' refers here to the use of the Optimized Certainty Equivalent as a means to measure expectation and risk. This comprises the well-known entropic risk measure and Conditional Value-at-Risk. We restrict our considerations to stationary problems with an infinite time horizon. Conditions are given under which optimal policies exist and solution procedures are explained. We present both the theory when the Optimized Certainty Equivalent is applied recursively as well as the case where it is applied to the cumulated reward. Discounted as well as non-discounted models are reviewe

    Integracja społeczna w procesie industrializacji na przykładzie Bełchatowa

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    The book is consisted of , so to say, two parts: theoretical considerat ions and the descr ipt ion of empirical research in Bełchatów. The theoretical part is composed of two basic chapters. One of them have concerned industrial changes and social processes while building of new enterprises. The formation of the staff of new enterprise is one of last phase of industrial process. There are mentioned some empirical researches of earlier stages of industrialization in region of Bełchatów, too. Next theoretical chapter contents the considerat ions on meaning of term "integration" and dimensions of social integration which are applied in empirical research (functional, normative, cultural, comunicative). The process of social integration is determined, generally, by two groups of factors: internal and external. Internal determinants are connected with a specific character of enterprise. External factors are connected with social system of economy which one of elements is enterprise. Social integration is the resultant of the interaction and influence of these groups of factors. In case od Bełchatów, we can say, that external determinants have been more significance. The integration of the staff had been analysed on three levels: - on the level of work groups, - on the level of enterprise as whole, - on the level of relations between brown coal-mine and the power-station. The state of the integration on each level was different. The work groups were connected most strong ties in all dimensions of integration. Two tendencies have been coexisted on the level of enterprise and relation between the mine and the power-station: integrative and disintegrative. The first tendency is the result of specific situation of enterprise in industrial region, second one is the effect of influence of external determinants. The staff of enterprise has been consisted of integrated work groups and two opposite groups in organizational structure: supervisors and subordinates.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 dofinansowane zostało ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    On approximate and weak correlated equilibria in constrained discounted stochastic games

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    In this paper, we consider constrained discounted stochastic games with a countably generated state space and norm continuous transition probability having a density function. We prove existence of approximate stationary equilibria and stationary weak correlated equilibria. Our results imply the existence of stationary Nash equilibrium in ARATARAT stochastic games